Friday, March 13, 2015

Top 125 Effective Free Online CFA Level 1 Practice Questions on Equity Investments

Worry about missed knowledge in the curriculum while the clock is ticking down towards the important exam, this is the most popular mistake test takers make in the first exam. So, what needs to be done now? Work out Top 125 Effective Free Online CFA Level 1 Practice Questions on Equity Investments to master all the primary concepts in this topic. Through many multiple choice questions with instant answers, you can remember dry theory easily and focus on the tough problems in the curriculum. Thanks to our online testing system, it’s able to go through and check out all questions by instant answers. Now’s the time to start your studying revision by exploring all the following questions. Hope this free online CFA practice exam 2015 work for you!
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intrinsic value of common stock is estimated as total asset value minus liabilities and preferred stock.
stock price / cash flow per share (operating or FCF)
Firms stock price divided by book value of equity per share
-inputs must be estimated-value estimates are sensitive to input values
Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)Russell Global Sectors (RGS)Industry Classification Benchmark
investors buy all of firms equity using debt financing (leverage). If LBO is firms current management it's a management buyout. (MBO).
receive an extra dividend if firm profits exceed a predetermined level and may receive a value greater than par of preferred stock if firm is liquidated.
assuming we have correct inputs for D1, E1, Kc and g, the equation above will provide a P/E ratio that is based on the PV of future cash flows. (leading PE ratio)- serves a benchmark for the price at which the stock should trade
sum PV of estimated dividends over holding period.value = D1 / (1+Ke),,,,,
-based on theoretically sound valuation models-correspond to widely accepted value metrics
higher price-to-book
bankinginsurancereal estate
(1 - dividend payout ratio)proportion of net income that is not paid out as dividends and goes to RE thus increasing equity
Initial Margin = 1 / leverage ratio= P0 x (1 - initial margin / 1 - maintenance margin)
- Preferred dividend is higher than common dividend- firm is profitable, the investor can share in profits by converting their shares into common stock- Conversion option becomes more valuable when the common stock price increases- Preferred shares have less risk than common shares because the dividend is stable, and they have priority over common stock in receiving dividends and in the event of liquidation of the firm.
shows the cost per unit relative to output
-based on fundamental concept of discounted PV and well grounded in finance theory-Widely accepted in analyst community
do not accumulate over time when they are not paid but dividends for any period must be paid before common shareholders can recieve.
future prices and the roll yield
Sector, industry, sub-industryGICG by S&PMSCI BarraRussell Global SectorsIndustry classification benchmark by Dow Jones and FTSE
- difference between widens, stock value falls- difference narrows, stock rises- small changes in difference can cause large changes in stock value
NI / Average BV
Slow growthConsolidationHigh barriersStable PricingSuperior Firms Gain Market Share
Negative GrowthDeclining pricesConsolidation
firm hopes to drive out competitors and later increase prices. laws prohibiting , hard to prove if prices not easily traced
claim equal to par value in the event of liquidation and do not share in firms profits.
jointly developed by the US, Canada and mexico
total value of a firms outstanding equity shares based on market prices and reflects the expectations of the investors about the firms future performance.
act as a custodian and manages dividends, stock splits, and other events. Investor does not have to convert to the foreign currency, the value of the DR is affected by exchange rate changes as well as firms fundamentals, economic events and other factors
rational value investors would place on asset if they had full knowledge of assets characteristics
expected equilibrium total return (including dividends) on it's shares in the market. Using dividend discount model or capM. Decrease in share price will increase the expected return on the shares and increase in share price will decrease expected returns. Increase in required return used to discount future cash flows will decrease intrinsic value. Vice versa
add the PV of dividends expected during the high-growth period to the PV of the constant-growth value of the firm at the end of the high-growth periodValue = D1 / (1+Ke)
Historically group firms by highly correlated returns
similar to the ISIC, but is designed for Europe
one whos earnings are highly dependent on the stage of the business cycle. High earnings volatility and high operating leverageex) autos, housing, technology
building materialschemicalspaper and forest productscontainers and packaging
overweighting or underweighting industries based on current phase of business cycle
shareholder the right to sell the shares back to the firm at a specific price. places a floor under the share value.
having someone else vote as they direct them on their behalf
based on idea that equity value is the market or fair value of assets minus the market or fair value of liabilities.
Value = (dividend to be rec'd / (1+Ke) ) + (year end price / (1+Ke))
Vo = D1 / Ke - GcValuation model for preferred stock is the same as the constant growth model with no growth (g = 0)

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