Monday, March 16, 2015

52 Effective CFA Level 1 Practice Exam Free Questions and Answers on Equity Investments

Many free CFA mock exams and practice exams are now available in our site. To revise all the basic knowledge on the topic, take a look at 52 Effective CFA Level 1 Practice Exam Free Questions and Answers on Equity Investments to see the difference between this page and others. Not only providing the core concepts for CFA candidates, this test also helps to improve their essential skills for the future investment career. You will be led throughout the content in the curriculum and taken updated exam-focused questions. Besides, an user-friendly format will make you a great comfort in the testing process. Above all, the time for exam preparation can be shortened while your performance highly increases day by day. Work it out and submit all the following questions at the end of this free updated CFA mock exam to get high mark. Hope you pass!
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1) allow entities to save and borrow money, raise capital, manage risk, trade assets currently or in the future, and trade based on their estimates of value (2) Determine the returns that equate the total supply of savings with the total demand for borrowing (3) Allocate capital to its most efficient uses.
investors use brokers to locate counter party. Examples are blocks, real estate, artwork etc.
(1) escrow services (2) Guarantees of contract completion (3) Assurance that margin traders have adequate capital (4) limits on the aggregate net order quantity of members.
Debt and equity
Level III and Rule 144A
Adding or taking away securities that no longer fit in the definition of the index.
(1) discounted cash flow (2) price multiples (3) asset-based models for stock valuation.
hedge funds, commodities, real estate, collectibles, gemstones, lease, equipment.
the hedge funds themselves, bc they don't have to report if they don't want to.
prices fully reflect all publicly available info.
(1) secuirites (2) currencies (3) contracts (4) commodities (5) real assets
listing expenses are high.
Specifications of when an order can be filled. AKA time in force Day orders, GTC, fill-or-kill.
Growth and defensive.
EV = Market value of common and preferred shares + market value of debt - cash and short-term investments
Forwards are not standardized, nor do the trade on exchanges or in dealer markets.
market cap.
a form of insurance that makes a payment if an issuer defaults on a bond.
Market prices reflect all currently available security market info.
(1) cost leadership (2) product or service differentiation
Securities that are in an index.
arithmetic mean of the price.
(1) Rivalry among existing competitors (2) threat of new entrants (3) threat of substitute products (4) bargaining power of buyers (5) Bargaining power of suppliers
The return based solely on the price movement.

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