Thursday, March 19, 2015

34 Free CFA Level 3 Practice Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Portfolio Management

Persist in practising numerous multiple choice questions in 34 Free CFA Level 3 Practice Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Portfolio Management to be in a superior position to other CFA candidates. Indeed, this free CFA mock exam with detailed answers is assessed as one of the most potent technique to boost up your fundamental grounding. Significant concepts in the curriculum are mentioned and highlighted under many real examples to help develop your retentive ability. Apart from knowledge, your skills will be improved day by day without taking any costly courses out there. Don’t be scared and try it out to realize that the path to CFA designation is not tough as you think.
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Returns of the fund are regressed vs. various indicesthe regression coefficients (b scores) should some to 1. use the b-scores to determine exposure and then construct a custom benchmark. - Indices used should be mutually exclusive and exhaustive of asset classes.-Benefits - Tests if reported style and actual style match. Mult regressions can be used to see style shifts over time (Wave Chart)
Either by Quantity (80% gr/20% value) or Category (one or the other)Most indices are constructed w/ no style overlap.
Big Companies dominate the impactmature firms biasmay be less diversified if over represented by large firms.Some investors may not be able to mimic value weighted if they are subject to Max % holdings
Tend to Tilt toward growth companies and small cap. Used returns based analysis to monitor.
A stock is not immediately reclassified w/ a slight characteristic change. Creates less turnover
All stocks are bought per their weights. Typically only used w/ large $. Pros: Low Tracking Risk, Low TurnoverCons: will underperform when assets are illiquid. Return - Index Return - Admin - Cash Drag - transactions
Equal $ in each stock. Periodic Rebalancing needed.
Ex. Active Return / Tracking Risk - Oddly the highest in semi-active
1. Allocate % to Equities2. Divide Active/Semi/Passive: Active Risk/ReturnUtilActive = ExpActRetun - (Risk Aversion x Variance of Active Return)3. Use the Eff Frontier, but w/ Active Return/Active Risk plottedInvestors are more risk adverse w/ Active Risk then Total RiskHave to believe active risk is possible, and they can find it.Performance is judged w/ a passive benchmark.
Inv. Banking Use research to promote stocks. Also done by indv. firms that paid for research.
Is the R Square from the Returns based regression. Lets you know - amount of the inv return explained by style indices - called style fit. 1-sytle fit = Security Selection (Active bets away from that style)
Manager's Questionnaire1. Staff Quality, Quantitiy & Vision2. Inv. Philosophy and Procedures - How do you plan to find alpha? Risk manage? Stock Selection Techniques?3. Resources - Turnover, models, trading functions4. Performance - BM, Exp. Alpha, Exp Risk, Holdings5. Fees.
Separating stocks in the index by size, p/e, industry into cells. Each cell is then weighted. w/in the cells manager picks representative stocks. can be used for large indices, or when restricted due to concentrated positions.
1. Index Mutual Funds are less frequently traded (1 time/day)2. ETFs do not have to maintain record keeping for Shareholders - less cost3. Index MFS pay lower license fees to S&P vs. ETFs4. ETF is generally more tax eff. ETF can redeem by giving a basket of stocks to avoid taxable event. Funds have to sell shares. 5. ETFs tend to cost less.
Index institutional Portfolios may use Pooled accounts, its advantageous for smaller funds. Pros: Share a manager = lower fees vs. funds. You can also send your securities to offset costs.
If you want to add systematic risk to a MKT neutral strategy go long equities futures w/ notional principal = cash from shorts. Net profit = L/S Profit + Futures P/L + Int earning on short sale. Or ETFs can be shorted.
Paper Card
Provides faster analysis then Returns based, cause holdings are updated often. Requires more data ,subjective judgment in classifying securities (Morningstar)
Typically Swap MKT for Fixed. Creates Synthetic diversification, low cost!. Could be great for avoiding withholding tax on int'l investments.
-If IPS states investor is taxable - Use Passive-If investor believes the markets are efficient - Use PassiveOn average Active-Expenses underperforms passiveActive underperforms by expenses.-In taxable accounts it's prudent to use Passive in LC, INTL, Even Small Cap in Taxable.
Analyst works for and builds a portfolio for investment firm. usual analysts presents their data to a committee

1 comment:

  1. I have friends who are preparing for CFA exams and will definitely share this with them. I’m also appearing LSAT exams soon and have been studying hard for it. Also joined one of the Best LSAT Prep Course in my area, and have received lots of study materials from them. It would be great if you could also share some practice questions for this exam.
