Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Free CFA Level 1 Practice Exam-29 Multiple Choice Questions on Derivatives

Available for free online studying, Free CFA Level 1 Practice Exam-29 Multiple Choice Questions on Derivatives among our free CFA practice exams is definitely right on point because of accessibility and thorough coverage through over many concepts which is very essential for your CFA certification exam. Following multiple choice questions have indicated basic content on derivatives and refined your knowledge and skills in a short, as a result, fulfill your preparation before the exam. Smart choice if you are ready to join our members and try out these useful CFA sample exam questions. Hope it help you to get higher performance in the next challenge. Remember to share the score to compare with other people in the comment box!
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long 5% call and short 5% put
Treasury contracts are deliverable. Short party has to deliver the treasury bond to the long party
margin is really a security deposit parties need to deposit when buy futures
S+P = C + X /(1+rfr)^tprotective put equals fiduciary callprotective put = buy stock and buy put to protect downside (S+P)fiduciary call = buy call and also also discount bond that pays X
its based on a $1m face.based on 90 days billquoted on discount annual basis (so 98 quote means 2% discount)actual discount is 2%*90/360 = 0.5%
max (0, Strike-Libor) * nominal amount(have to adjust for period if not full year libor)
C. multiplied by the futures price to determine the delivery price.
intrinsic value is either 0 or stock - x (which ever is higher). so if out of the money then 0, if in the money then S-x (or x - s for puts). the other part of option value is called time value.
Nothing. no payment is needed. payment/settlement is made at the end of the forward
you hope that it appreciates. cause you lock in price, so if it appreciates you buy it below new price
if rates went up then the is a gain.amount of the gain is new rate minus contract rate time number of days /365, since the gain is not for the whole year. and then need to PV this gain, so divide by 1 +market rate*days/360
they are in different currencies: Libor denominated in USD and Euribor in EUR

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