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the underlying security in the futures contract is not identical to the asset being hedged
measures the effect of changes in only one variable - the others are held constant
change in price = -duration x breakeven yield change
spot (cash) price - futures price at delivery
concentrating the maturities of the bonds around the liability date
1. default risk2. credit spread risk3. downgrade risk
- price risk and reinvestment risk exactly offset each other- standard condition is risk minimization
- First level of indexing designed to earn about the same return as
the index- Maintain exposure to large risk factors (duration) and pursue
relative value strategies
1. pure bond indexing2. enhanced indexing by matching primary risk
factors3. enhanced indexing by small risk factor mismatches4. active
management by larger risk factor mismatches5. full-blown active
1. Select a bond with an effective duration equal to the duration of
the liability2. Set the PV of the bond equal to the PV of the portfolio
1. market value risk - varies directly with maturity2. income risk -
the more dependent on income, the longer the maturity profile3. credit
risk - credit risk of benchmark/portfolio should be similar4. liability
framework risk - mismatches in the firm's asset/liability structure
the standard deviation of alpha across several periods
the first bond matures several years before the liability date and the other several years after the liability date
measures the portfolio's sensitivity to twists in the yield curve
- a collateralized loan, where the difference between the sale and
repurchase prices is the interest on the loan- the lender in a
repurchase agreement is exposed to credit risk, if the collateral
remains in the borrower's custody
- Measure of the relative extent to which the terminal value of an
immunized portfolio falls short of its target value as a result of
nonparallel changes in interest rates- Portfolios that have the lowest
levels of reinvestment risk will do the best job of immunization
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