Wednesday, March 18, 2015

39 Free CFA Level 2 Practice Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Investments

Big investment in preparation for CFA exams will support your high performance a lot. It will be better if you try our 39 Free CFA Level 2 Practice Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Investments. This practical online CFA practice exam serves to showcase key concepts in this topic area. In an impressive format, numerous multiple choice questions with clear answers are presented in an explicit way, which is suitable for people who have not basic grounding. That’s the reason why students are able to ingrain the fundamental knowledge in the curriculum and achieve great skills in your business. Finish all the following questions and click away a submit button to see how much percentage of the test you can get. Good luck!

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P/Es are high at the bottom of the cycle (due to lower EPS) and vice-versa at the top
10 year U.S. bond yield + (local inflation - U.S. inflation)
- estimates the value of firm equity as the FV of its assets - liabilities- generally not used for going concerns- firms with minimal profits, or banks, or natural resource firms
- no dividend histories- negative FCF- transparent reporting and high quality earnings
- Most often used for tax purposes in U.S.- cash price characterized by a hypothetical willing & able buyer & seller- arm's length transaction- well-informed buyer and seller
= MV of common stock + MV of preferred equity + MV of debt + minority interest - cash & investments
1. differences in accounting methods2. different cultures3. different risk4. different growth opportunities
- No dividends or div's don't match the earnings- firms with FCF that corresponds with their profitability- valuation perspective is that of a controlling shareholder
Pioneer --> Growth --> Mature --> Decline
A: meaningful distressed firms or startups; hard to manipulate; not as volatile as P/ED: high growth doesn't necessarily mean high earnings/cash flow; does not capture differences in cost structure
- capitalize and amortize R&D and add them back to earnings for NOPAT- add back charges on strategic investments that will generate returns in the future- capitalize (but don't amortize) goodwill, add amortization expense back to NOPAT and accumulated A back to invested capital- consider only cash taxes (add back deferred)- capitalize operating leases- add LIFO reserve to IC and the change to NOPAT
- terminal value does not dominate- data easy to find- applicable to firms who do not pay dividends or expect positive FCF in the short fun- focuses on economic profitability
1. country risks are diversification2. companies respond differently to country risk3. country risk is one-sided4. identifying cash flow effects aids in risk mgmt
- prior acquisition (for public & private firms) values include control premiums- financial vs. strategic buyer
A: more useful if firms have different degrees of financial leverage; useful for capital-intensive business (lots of D&A); usually positive even if EPS is notD: if WCInv is growing, EBITDA will overstate CFO; doesn't capture different revenue recognition policies affecting CFO; EBITDA doesn't capture CAPEX

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