Tuesday, March 17, 2015

16 Free CFA Level 2 Sample Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Investments

For giving an effective learning strategy for CNA candidates, a variety of up-to-date practice questions are collective perfectly in 16 Free CFA Level 2 Sample Exams Questions and Answers on Equity Investments to aid test-takers in learning the dry material in the candidate body of knowledge. With prompt-answer multiple choice questions, this free online practical CFA mock exam will help you get better understanding of the concepts and quickly enhancing your skills. For sure, it’s a useful tool for CFA self-studying to develop the ability of problem-solving and statistical analysis. Additionally, help you remember the focused topics before the exam and track down your study. Test now and comment your results in the box below!
To view full questions and answers, please kindly visit our site:  http://cfaexampreparation.com/780/16-free-cfa-level-2-sample-exams-questions-and-answers-on-equity-investments/

The intrinsic value of any asset is the value of the asset given a hypothetically complete understanding of the asset's investment characteristics.
Leveraged buyout is an acquisition involving significant leverage [i.e., debt], which is often collateralized by the assets of the company being acquired.)
An aggressively optimistic estimate for the rate of return that pension assets will earn means a larger-than-warranted deduction in calculating pension expense, and subtrac- tion will lead to understating pension expense and overstating net income*Check the footnotes for return assumptions
GGM equity risk premium estimate = Dividend yield on the index based on year-ahead aggregate forecasted dividends and aggregate market value + Consensus long-term earnings growth rate − Current long-term government bond yield
Recognizes that investors will not rationally incur the expenses of gathering information unless they expect to be rewarded by higher gross returns com- pared with the free alternative of accepting the market price.
CostDifferentiation Focus - Focus on either Cost, or Product Differentiation
GC - Valuation assuming the firm will continue to exists LV - Value at liquidation, with no going concern assumption
Equity index price = PVFastGrowthStage(r )+ PVTransition(r ) + PVMatureGrowthStage(r )Subtract government bond yield from this computed IRR to get the equity risk premium when growth is not constant. *The discount rate r that equates the sum of the present values of the expected cash flows of the three stages to the cur- rent market price of the equity index defines an IRR.
Quality of earnings analysis broadly includes the scrutiny of all financial statements, including the balance sheet, to evaluate both the sustainability of the companies' performance and how accurately the reported information reflects economic reality.
An excess risk-adjusted return
VE -P=(V-P)+(VE -V)VE is estimated valueP is market priceand V is intrinsic value* first component is the true miss pricing,** Second component is the error in the estimate of the intrinsic value
The concept of value to a specific buyer taking account of potential synergies and based on the investor's requirements and expectations is called investment value
Fair market value is the price at which an asset (or liability) would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller when the former is not under any compulsion to buy and the latter is not under any compulsion to sell
Decompose net income into a cash component (combining operating and investing cash flows) and an accrual component (defined as net income minus the cash component). *Firm with higher amount of current accruals will have a relatively lower ROA in the future **Compared to accruals in the current period, the cash component in the current period is more predictive of future net income.
Intra-industry rivalry.(lower the better)New entrants (high barriers to entry)Substitutes (few substitutes) Supplier Power (more suppliers the better)Buyer Power (manu customers, lower power)
IV = D1/(K-g) ** restated, can solve for required return estimate as k = D1/P + g

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