Monday, March 23, 2015

30 Free Sample Level 1 CFA Exam Questions and Answers on Fixed Income Words

30 Free Sample Level 1 CFA Exam Questions and Answers on Fixed Income Words excels in depth of basic content on this topic, directing you to pass CFA examinations. The feature to this effective free CFA practice questions is well-organized questions mimicking the multiple choice format of the actual exam are followed with full answers after submitting all. As such, you can refresh your practice time without any fear or anxiety within testing. Also, the test lets you know where you are in your study and reinforces your greatest understanding of this subject as much as possible. Why don’t you try it now to tell us what you think about it? Hope you love it!
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Earnings of a firm as reported on its income statement.
The amount of variability present without comparison to any reference point or benchmark.
The number of observations in a given interval (for grouped data).
Managers who hold portfolios that differ from their benchmark portfolio in an attempt to produce positive risk-adjusted returns.
A model that specifies an asset's intrinsic value.
Wall Street expression for buying on a large scale over time, typically by an institution. "Accumulation" of a stock is said to occur if a number of institutions are gradually adding to their holdings.
Return on a stock beyond what would be predicted by market movements alone. Cumulative abnormal return (CAR) is the total abnormal return for the period surrounding an announcement or the release of information.
Attempts to achieve portfolio returns more than commensurate with risk, either by forecasting broad market returns or by identifying particular mispriced sectors of a market or securities in a market.
The hierarchy whereby claims are satisfied in corporate liquidation.
Amounts owed to a company by customers as a result of delivering goods or services and extending credit in the ordinary course of business. Also referred to as trade receivables.
Estimates of items such as the useful lives of assets, warranty costs, and the amount of non-collectible receivables.
The ability to terminate a project at some future time if the financial results are disappointing.
The company in a merger or acquisition that is acquiring the target.
Cumulative gains or losses reported in shareholder's equity that arise from changes in the fair value of available-for-sale securities, from the effects of changes in foreign-currency exchange rates on consolidated foreign-currency financial statements, from certain gains and losses on financial derivatives and from adjustments for underfunded pension plans.
Interest earned but not yet paid.
The return on a portfolio minus the return on the portfolio's benchmark.
In the context of the Treynor-Black model, the portfolio formed by mixing analyzed stocks of percieved nonzero alpha values. This portfolio is ultimately mixed with the passive market index portfolio.
The standard deviation of active returns.

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