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When each existing share is divided into multiple shares;No change in
owners wealth;Share price drops accordingly; Historically, stocks rise
after a split because it is seen as a positive sign
Prevents shareholders from attending all the meetings and therefore exercising their full voting rights
Where the cost of one of the WACC components changes;= Amount of
Capital at which the Component's Cost Changes/Weight of the Component in
Capital Structure
The set of internal controls, processes and procedures by which firms
are managed and defines the rights, roles and responsibilities of
= (Percent Change in EBIT)/(Percent Change in Sales)= [Quantity of
Units Sold (Price per Unit - Variable Cost)] /[Quantity of Units Sold
(Price per Unit - Variable Cost) - Fixed Cost] = (Sales - Total Variable
Costs) / (Sales - Total Variable Cost - Fixed Costs]
Accelerate cash outflows
*Involves large transactions*Same principles apply to most corporate
decision making *Objective way to maximize shareholder value
Looking at a publicly traded security of a company involved directly
in the business the project is engaged in;Company's beta is also a
product of its capital structure and must be adjusted accordingly to fit
the need of the project;Delever the comparable beta and relever for the
project in question
~Beta uses historical data and sensitive to the length of time and
frequency of data~Affected by which index is chosen to represent the
market return~Betas are believed to revert to 1 after time and the
estimate may need to be adjusted accordingly ~Betas of smaller firms may
need to be adjusted upward to reflect risk inherent in small firms not
captured by Beta calculation
= Fixed Operating Costs/(Price - Variable Cost per Unit)
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