Thursday, April 9, 2015

60 CFA Level 1 Online Mock Test Free Questions on Derivatives and Alternative Investments

60 CFA Level 1 Online Mock Test Free Questions on Derivatives and Alternative Investments serve as a reliable free CFA practice exam for derivatives that you need have to pass the upcoming CFA exam. This CFA online mock test free is nicely formatted by highlighting the correct answer in green and incorrect answer in red for your easy following so as to help absorb the dry materials from the CFA curriculum quickly. Definitely, you will have a comforting time practising it because there’s no need to pay any fee and save your study time. After completing those quizzes, don’t forget to click the submit button to get the exact points for this topic. Hope you crush all of those questions and get the maximum score!
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most common swap; suppose a corporation borrows from a bank at a floating rate. it would prefer a fixed rate, which would enable it to better anticipate its cash flow needs in making its interest payments. the corporation can effectively convert its floating-rate loan to a fixed-rate loan by adding a swap
forward rate agreement: interest rate forward contract; one party, the long, agrees to pay a fixed interest payment at a future date and receive an interest payment at a rate to be determined at expiration; 3 x 6 frA expires in three months and the underlying is a Eurodollar deposit that begins in three months and ends three months later, or six months from now
a swap is an OTC derivative contract in which two parties agree to exchange a series of cash flows whereby one party pays a variable series that will be determined by underlying asset or rate and the other party pays either a variable series determined by a different underlying asset or a rate or a fixed series
typically priced by forming a hedge involving the underlying asset and a derivative such that the combination must pay the risk-free rate and do so for only one derivative price
when a portfolio of mortgages is assembled into an ABS; commonly, but not always, the credit risk has been reduced or eliminated, perhaps by a CDS
when derivatives are combined with other derivatives or underlying assets
large currency derivative market; options, forwards, futures, and swaps are widely used
a commitment for one party, the long, to buy a currency at a fixed price from the other party, the short, at specific date
standardized; conducted in a public market; homogenous; have a secondary market giving them an element of liquidity; have a clearinghouse, which collects margins and settles gains and losses daily to provide a guarantee against default; regulated at the federal government level
credit default swap: a derivative contract between two parties, a credit protection buyer and a credit protection seller, in which the buyer makes a series of cash payments to the seller and receives a promise of compensation for credit losses resulting from the default of a third party; conceptually a form of insurance; sellers of CDSs (oftentimes banks or insurance companies) collect periodic payments and are required to pay out if a loss occurs from the default of a third party
based on the net difference between the underlying rate and the agreed-upon rate, adjusted by the notional principal and the number of days in the instrument on which the underlying rate is based
the right to buy; consistent with a bullish point of view
a financial institution that makes a market in forward contracts and other derivatives
collateralized debt obligations (collateralized bond obligations and collateralized loan obligations) do not traditionally have much prepayment risk but they do have credit risk and oftentimes a great deal of it; the CDO structure allocates this risk to tranches (senior, mezzanine, junior)
combination of the derivatives and the underlings; should earn the risk-free rate
equity margin accounts involve the extension of credit. an investor deposits part of the cost of the stock and borrows the remainder at a rate of interest. with futures margin accounts, both parties deposit a required minimum sum of money, but the remainder of the price is not borrowed
specialized versions of forward contracts that have been standardized and that trade on a futures exchange; offer an element of liquidity and protection against loss by default
"Going private" transaction - private equityThe bonds issued to finance an LBO are usually high yield bonds that receive low quality ratings and must offer high couponsTypically includes equity, bank debt, and high yield bondsLow leverage in target company is attractive
contracts in which the underlying is $1,000,000 of a U.S. Treasury bill
buyer; purchaser of the derivative; owns (holds) the derivative and holds the long position
the right to sell; consistent with a bearish point of view
allow trading the risk without trading the instrument itself (risk management); price discovery (futures market); lower transaction costs; greater liquidity; require less capital to trade
when the call option value is positive and equal to St - X
modern futures markets primarily originated in Chicago out of a need for grain farmers and buyers to be able to transact for delivery at future dates for grain that would in the interim, be placed in storage
can be based on zero-coupon bonds or on coupon bonds, as well as portfolios of indices based on them; must expire before the bonds maturity
one of the most popular categories of underlings; derivatives on individual stocks are primarily options; index derivatives in the form of options, forwards, futures and swaps are very popular
credit derivative in which the credit protection buyer holds a bond or loan that is subject to default risk and issues its own security (the credit-linked note) with the condition that if the bond or loan it holds defaults, the principal payoff on the credit-linked note is reduced accordingly. Thus the buyer of the credit-linked note effectively insures the credit risk of an underlying reference security

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