Monday, April 13, 2015

24 Free Online CFA Level 1 Practice Questions on Alternative Investments

Confirm that you’re well prepared enough for the next exam by practising 24 Free Online CFA Level 1 Practice Questions on Alternative Investments. The free CFA practice tests online is totally sticked with the basic content in the curriculum, that can help to revise your relevant knowledge and develop your critical thinking skills in a short time. Taking plunge into lots of practice questions, you’ll stand an ample chance to have familiarity with the actual exam style, get ease with solving difficult questions and raising your confidence before the exam. After completing the test, you are able to check out your results and find out your strengths and weaknesses by giving a click on the submit button. Hope you all the best for the next exam!
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Convertible Arbitrage - Seek to exploit mispricing between a convertible bond and its component parts.Asset Backed - Take advantage in mispricing of ABSs, and MBSs.General Fixed Income - Focus on the relative value within the fixed income markets.Volatility - Trade options based on implied versus expected volatilityMulti-Strategy - Trade relative value within and across asset classes or investments.
- Should use bid price for long positions, ask price for short positions.- Values of non-traded securities estimated with pricing models- Reduce market price to account for illiquidity based on size of position.- Trading NAV is adjusted for illiquidity
- Investment companies structured as limited partnerships- Aggressively managed - uses leverage, short/long positions, derivatives- Goal of high returns with few investment restrictions- Limited to qualified investors- Restrictions on redemptions - investors required to keep money in the fund for a specified period (lockup), investors may have to give a notice period- Limited regulation, no prospectus, can act quickly.
- Standard deviation is not the most appropriate risk measure - fat tails; negative skeweness; returns smoothed by model or appraised values- Use VaR or Sortino ratio (measures downside risk) insteadDerivatives:- performance depends on manager's skill- lack of transparancy- illiquidity- correlations with traditional investment returns vary over time, may increase during crisis periods.
- Potential for long-term total returns from income generation and capital appreciation- Long-term leases with fixed rents may lessen cash flow impact from economic shocks- Diversification benefits from less than perfect correlation with other asset classes- Inflation hedge if rents can quickly adjust.
- Futures price = spot price x (1+rfr) + storage cost - convenience yield- Convenience yield = value of having physical commodity available for use- Contago occurs when there is little or no convenience yield -> futures price > spot price- Backwardation occurs when the convenience yield is high -> spot price > futures priceSources of return:- Roll yield - Difference between spot price and futures price- Collateral yield - interest earned on the collateral posted as a good-faith deposit for the f
- Firm a GP, outside investors are LPs- Investors provide committed capital which fund managers draw down to invest in portfolio companies- Management fees typically 1% to 3% of committed capital- Incentive fees typically 20% of profits. LPs receive 80% of profits plus return of initial investment.
- Uncorrelated with beta returns- Presumably the result of managers' special skills in capturing non-systematic opportunities in the market.- Strategies:- Absolute return - returns independent of market returns- Market segmentation - move into higher returning segments more quickly- Concentrated portfolios - less diversification (more risk) to achieve higher returns
Merger arbitrage - going long the stock of the company being acquired and going short the stock of the acquiring company when the merger/acquisition is announced.Distressed/Restructuring - buy if restructuring will increase value.Activist - Purchase sufficient equity in order to influence a company's policies or direction.Special Situations - Focus on opportunities in the equity of companies that are currently engaged in restructuring activities.

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