Thursday, April 16, 2015

44 Free CFA Level 1 Practice Exam Questions and Answers on Alternative Investments

Hard working for CFA exams will help your high performance be improved once you try our 44 Free CFA Level 1 Practice Exam Questions and Answers on Alternative Investments. This free CFA online mock test showcases important concepts in the Alternative Investments. In the nice format, multiple choice questions with instant answers connect concepts together in an explicit way as possible to give you an overview of the content in the curriculum. Here’s the reason about why students can take great skills and invaluable knowledge to be ready for CFA level 1. Join it now and click the submit button to see how well you score. Hope you overcome the next CFA exam!
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trade sale: sale of a company to a strategic buyer such as a competitor- IPO- Recapitalization
real estate investment trusts - may provide equity financing for purchases, sells shares publicly to raise funs to make property purchases; investors get access to diversified real estates portfolios with professional management
managers have big fees - willing to take big risks
- management fee (1%-3%) from committed capital. After committed capital is fully invested, the fees are paid only on the funds remaining in the investment vehicle- mostly GP doesn't earn incentive fee til LPs receive their initial investment back. Incentive fee approximately 20% for GP, LP receives 80% of total profit plus ROI
best funds survive and only those are included in the index
- investing in a privately owned company or a public company intending to make them private- structured as partnership where outside investors are Limited Partners (LPs) and the private equity firm is General Partner (GP)
assets' market values are only estimated, is not based upon transactions
uses estimated values (appraisals) as inputs to the indices; rely on comparable sales and cash flow analysis technique, subjective; low volatility and low correlation with important indices (S&P 500)
1) market/comparable approach: values a company by using multiples of different measures- EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization). The multiple = Market value of similar public companies/EBITDA (for instance, 10xEBITDA is a multiple)2) discounted cash flow (DCF) approach: values a company as PV of future cash flows3) asset-based approach: assets minus liability
Net asset value of a mutual fund is the value of the investment company's assets minus liabilities, stated on a per-share basis. Share price of an open-end fund always equals to NAV (investment company must redeem share at current market value); share price of a closed-end fund may or may not equal to NAV since share price is determined in the secondary market. Share price of a closed-end fund might trade at a premium (share price > NAV) or discount (share price < NAV)
buy shares of commodity firms, exposure to commodity price changes
uses the prices of publicly traded shares of REITS to construct the indices; the more frequently the shares trade, the more reliable
invest in securities from all over the world, including those from the investment company's home country

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