Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Top 82 CFA Sample Mock Exams Questions and Answers for Level 2 on Ethics

Ethics in the CFA exam can have a positive or negative impact on candidates’ final results. It’s recommended that you do put a little bit more effort into this section as it’s the tie-breaker for your important exam. This is the reason why we offer Top 82 CFA Sample Mock Exams Questions and Answers for Level 2 on Ethics with an expect that you can do as many contemporary and fundamental CFA practice questions as you can get your hands on. After working on these questions, any ethical issues that you have seen before are solved quickly and reasonably. You can feel the most confident in ethics in the upcoming exam since now. Hope for your thoughts in the comments.

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Concerns 1 period and 1 point in time
Will result in unreliable testing and predictions1. Functional Forms2. Explanatory Variables are correlated with errors terms in Time Series models3. Other Time Series that result in non-stationary
From Clients- are OKAY as long as they do not impeded on future judgement. Must disclose this information.From Brokers- are NOT OKAY. NEVER accept even if you have permission.
Can only be used within the the time period specified.
1. Standard errors are too small2. Coefficient errors are OKAY3. TYPE 1 ERRORS- standard errors are too small, t statistic is too large and null will be rejected too often
Measures the variability of actual Y to the estimated Y from the regression. It is the standard deviation of the error terms in the regression.
Here, if the client mis-ordered the trade they must incur the cost. It should NEVER be passed to their clients. They can pay the broker to incur the cost, but it must come from their own pocket.
No violation when analyst combines public information with items of NONMATERIAL information (such as seeing two CEOs have lunch).
= Coefficient/standard deviationUsed to test significance of hypothesized values. H0 = 0 versus Ha =/ 0. If H0 is rejected then we know the variable is statistically significant.Degrees of Freedom = n-k-1 (k = number of variables)
Occurs when the variance of the residual is correlated with each other. Common with time series data.1. Positive- error in previous period increases prob of positive error in the next2. Negative- error in previous period increases prob of negative error in next
To test for serial correlation, you must use the T-Test NOT Durbin Watson.=autocorrelation / standard errorwhere Standard Error = 1/square root (T)where T = number of observationsand degrees of freedom = T-2
This is where the usage is both for decision making and general management in the firm (such as bloomberg terminal). Can only allocate the amount of soft dollar used for INVESTMENT decision making.
1. Lagged dependent is used as independent2. Function of dependent is used as independent3. Independent variables are measured with errors for qualitative variables
Total Sum of Squares= total variability Y explained by X. It is equal to the sum of squared differences between ACTUAL and MEAN of Y.
Owner is defined as applicable fiduciary duty. The duty to a pension fund, the trustees are NOT the actual client.
RSME Compares accuracy of AR models in forecasting out of sample values. Lower RMSE will have higher predictive power for the future.
Occurs when the variance of the residuals is not constant across observations.1. Unconditional- variation is NOT related to independent variable2. Conditional- variation IS related to independent variable and creates significant problems
This infers that IF client was not notified of a suitable investment. You must extend the participation to all portfolios meeting the criteria.
Research includes both Proprietary and Third-Party research and must directly assist investment manager in decision-making process and NOT in the general management in the firm (such as preparing investor statements, etc).
You must promptly disclose any changes that materially affect the investment process. This does NOT mean you have to discuss prior investment process, only the CHANGE.1. description of new model2. limitations of the model
1. Use Hansen method to correct standard errors. If both Heteroskedasticity and Serial Correlation are present, you can use Hansen to correct BOTH.2. Use Times Series.
What is the intent of the parties involved?
Explains the variation of Y that is explained by ONE independent variable. =SST-SSE/SST =RRS/SST
Must include written disclosures as to the source and nature of the performance. Particularly important when included performance of prior employment, etc.
1. Examine Scatter Plot2. Bruesch-Pagan TestStatistic = n * r^2 where r^2 = regression of the residual. If statistic is rejected using t test, then there IS presence of heteroskedasticity.
1. Care is higher2. Skill is higher. Delegation of duties is okay. Whereas Old rule said NO3. Caution = total return not standalone basis. Whereas Old Rule said NO growth, preservation only4. Loyalty is consistent5. Impartiality is consistent
This occurs when you run two time series. If they are NOT covariance stationary but ARE co-integrated, you CAN USE DATA because they are economically linked. Look for BOTH variables (x and y) to see if they have unit root.Example: Beta versus stock return against returns of market.
Must always be disclosed either on report or website. Recommended to do both.
Explains how well a set of independent variables explains the variation in the dependent variable. =MSR/MSEThis is a ONE TAILED test (use t test to test significance)
Occurs when the dependent variable is lagged by values of itself. Because it is lagged, we MUST TEST for serial correlation.Example: Sales from prior period will affect next month sales.
= B0/1-b1Note that this is why Random Walk has unit root where b1 = 1. Therefore Random Walk is NON STATIONARY.
Occurs when variance of the residual is dependent from the previous period. Test by squaring the residual and regressing the data. If the coefficient of the new regression is statistically different than 0, pr the p-value states there is significant there is evidence of ARCH(1). This is because now the residual is going to grow by a constant amount!Correct it by using Generalized Least Squares.
1. Expected value is constant and finite= mean reverting.2. Variance is constant and finite.3. Covariance is constant and finite.
1. Conflicting T (statistically significant variables) and F statistics (or R squared is too high/low). Remember that F statistic tests OVERALL variables while t tests INDIVIDUAL significance.2. High correlation among variables MAY indicate a problem.
1. Important variables are omitted2. Variables should be transformed (log vs linear)3. Data is improperly pooled
1. Take the change Ln(sales) = Ln(x) - Ln(y)2. Plug the change into the equation = b0 + b1Change Ln(sales)3. Since the equation is equal to change in Ln sales, add previous Ln4. Now take the natural log e^ to remove logAfternoon 3 #98
Additional compensation must have WRITTEN CONSENT from all parties involved. Only necessary if the position is in direct competition of your employer. Working at the bar (limited hours so that you do not deprive your time) is OKAY.
Arrangement under which client tells the manger to execute trades under its account with a specific broker.
1. First subtract x(t-1) from both sides of AR(1)2. Test if (b-1) is different from 0 = H03. If it is not significant from 0 then there is UNIT ROOT because this means b=1!
Sum of Error Squares= variability of Y UNEXPLAINED by X. Difference between actual and predicted Y.Degrees of freedom= n-2

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